Latest Album Releases

Konfor Cedric alias Sunny Clip
Already recorded more than 130 artists and with over 200 sound tracts including live instrumental effects and audiovisual spots.

Karen Yenla alias Karen Twist
Gospel artists and chorister, have recorded/sang in more than 50 tracts.

Ajama Jireh.
Renowned Afro-beats dancer with a tract record that includes over 200 performances in musical video clips, and closed and open-air concerts.
Our Numbers are Speaking
Na Wetti Records aims at providing lessons and simple secrets or tips of producing professional music; breaching the promotional West and Central African regional barriers musicians are facing because of the cultural diversities in both regions; guiding armature or aspiring singers and/or musicians in the production of high quality music; and promoting all its productions across a very vast online network to enhance its artists’ visibility and public appreciation.

Hands Together for Orphans and Widows event